Now that we all are starting to feel the good weather coming 🏖️ it's time to boost your Android skills with the newest set of libraries from Google: Android Jetpack.

In Karumi, we are always trying new tools and frameworks to see how they solve real problems we have in our day-by-day work. We are happy to announce that we found one of those, one that are really worth the invested time. We are now Jetpack experts and we decided we want to share this awesome tool-set with you.
On May 2019 we are going to start our first Android Jetpack Open Training and you can join us to learn its secrets in this unique hands-on course.

Discover components that can be used individually but built to work together that make you more productive. Android Jetpack manages tedious activities like navigation, lifecycle management, database abstraction and many more so you can focus on what makes your app great.

If you haven't already, go get your 🐦🎟 early bird tickets 🎟🐦 in
If you want to know more about Karumi, our training and what we do, follow us on Twitter and stay tuned!