Testing like a pro in Kotlin

Testing an Android application is hard, and we know it. We've been working on it really hard during the last years, improving our skills about different testing strategies to be able to write awesome applications properly tested. Our goal was to be able to test an app up to bottom using different tools feeling comfortable during the process and knowing we can trust our specifications.

That's the reason why we published some katas we use during our training to show how applications can be tested! Here you can find all of them 😃.

When Kotlin was officially supported by Google to build Android apps, we decided to start reviewing our already written katas and port them to this awesome language. And today is the day we can consider this task as done!

Here you can find the list of katas we've ported to Kotlin:

  • Kata Contacts, created to learn about Clean Architecture.
  • Kata TODO API Client, designed to practice stubbing HTTP.
  • Kata Super Heroes, used to show how to combine test doubles with Espresso in order to test the application user interface.
  • Kata Screenshot to become a pixel-perfect developer testing the app UI using a pixel-perfect tool.
  • Kata Maxibon, practice a different way of testing your production code using property-based testing.

Five different katas used to learn how to create awesome Android apps built on top of testable code ready to be extended in an easy, friendly and safe way. Our tech team strongly recommends you to improve your tech skills by practicing with these katas. Inside every repository, you can find a branch with the unsolved kata, ready to start working on it 😃.

There are some other references you might want to review before starting to work on these katas. Here you have a complete list:

We hope you'll find it useful and have fun working on them, on top of that, we really hope you'll become a better developer by practicing with these katas. In case you need some help, we have some training you can request for you or your company, take a look!